Healthcare is using the wrong measures. The right question is:
A given treatment is only worth it if it significantly improves patients’ quality of life by enhancing their ability to function at a higher level. The fundamental question in every patient’s mind when interacting with the healthcare system is, ‘Will I be better or worse off after your treatment? Is it worth it for me?’ Patients often inquire, ‘Will I be able to care for myself and my family, work, or attend my kids’ games?’ Our solution is:
- Subjective to how patients are doing and relevant to their daily life
- Simple to understand and completed in seconds by patients
- Globally addressing both physical and mental functions
- Digitally scalable completed by SMS text, email, or using FHIR-powered App integrated with all major EHRs (Epic, Cerner, etc.)

SOLUTION: Routinely ask your population, “HOW’RE YOU DOING?” using the MQL Survey. We modified Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs into an eight-question survey of patient-reported quality of life that can be answered in under one minute. Our survey can be set up for patients to routinely complete throughout their care journey or periodically to measure functional improvements or lack thereof.

End users, such as payers, clinicians, institutions, benefits professionals, TPAs, etc., can demonstrate improvement in the quality of life of the covered population and measure value not only by costs but also by the quality of life of the populations under our care. If the patient population is not improving, the management options should be reevaluated, and the process can be repeated. An administrative dashboard for managing the process is included in the solution.
Eight simple questions, sent via SMS text, email, or FHIR EHR

Measure your population engagement:

A four-step strategy:
- Assign care AUTHORITY AND RESPONSIBILITY TO THE TREATING DOCTORS (support their relationship with their patients)
- Routinely measure patients’ QUALITY OF LIFE = QUALITY OF CARE
- Invite DOCTORS TO BID FOR FEES (monthly, fee for service and bundle)
- Payers can HOLD DOCTORS ACCOUNTABLE FOR QUALITY OF LIFE AND $ COST; they can choose to keep or terminate contracts annually. DOCTORS WITH POSITIVE IMPACT ON PATIENT QUALITY OF LIFE will be better paid with long-term contracts and visa versa

Positive (+) Negative(-)

Set up the MQL frequency: Routine, before or after surgery, etc (easily customizable)